So, I happened to notice that the rules say you can only replace the stock rear view mirror with a multi-panel type (e.g. Wink mirror). So are any of you running a Longacre style single panel convex mirror? Seems kind of weird that this wouldn’t be allowed.
Rear view mirror rule
I have the shorter of the longacre convex mirrors, but it’s cracked and therefore multipanel!
Geez, West Coast guys and rules interpretation. Gotta love (or hate) it.Regards, Robert Patton Oh, by the way, mine is a non-broken Longacre and I’m not breaking it to make it a multi-panel type.
Good catch Rat but no one will DQ you for having a single panel convex mirror in the car.
Yeah, but will it noted in the log book as a non-approved item and requiring change for the next race (and suffering consequences if it is not changed). I personally can’t see anyone filing a complaint over this, but that’s not the point…
Igor – putting oil on the fire / steering the pot
Umm, no disrespect or anything Carter, but didn’t you just get done telling people about illegal meshing in front of radiators and protector panels on their oilpans? How is this any different than that?
Obviously this isn’t a super urgent matter, but would be good to make these minor additions to the rules at the end of the year.
And I’m not trying to be annoying here, you East Coast guys have made it very clear that the rules are the rules are the rules.
At the end of the season, Mike and I will go through the rules and will decide if any minor adjustments need to be made. And if adjustments are made, they will be minor and simple. We take into consideration the experiences of the cars, the drivers, and the races, and make the decisions based on what is practical.
For example, if only one car has a screen on the radiator and the other cars haven’t had a problem by not having a screen over the radiator, the screen will not be added to the rules.
But yes, if I was building a car right now, I would buy a multi panel mirror because that’s what is specified in the rules and because it works just fine.