Rear Brake Dust shields


I’m getting the rear suspension and brakes back together. I’m going to keep the parking brake for now so it’s street legal for VA inspection. Do I need the brake backing plate for parking brake operation? I’m replacing the rear wheel bearings and I’d like to remove the shield if I does not have any functional use.


If you are going to be keeping your E brake then you will need the rear brake backing plates. They hold the E brake drums in place with a spring and clip. I think they also hold the brake cable in place too.


When I build my 635 race car i used tin snips and cut away the part of the backing plate that was not needed for the parking brake. This left the disk open in the air but the part with the parking break behind the shield. I think I also left up a portion to hole the brake lines or ABS lines.

Good luck.

Michael O.


That might be a good idea.


The rotor is unvented I doubt you’d notice the difference.