Re-assembly time


Took the rear sub-frame out this past weekend and removed the front
suspension this evening. Should be back together by the weekend with
new suspension, rear wheel bearings, 3.73 LSD, brakes lines and brakes.
Then off for a coat of paint. Only thing left to do after paint will be to install
the fire supression, kill switch, transponder and decals.

I can finally see the end in sight. Doing the 5sp conversion on top of everything else made the build and extremly big job. I’ve got about
80 hours in the car at this point. It’s been fun, but it would have been
more fun if either my garage had AC or I had done the build in the



Another photo…


Whats the ETA on you first race?


I might be able to do my comp school with NASA-SE at Rockingham in October, bit most likely VIR in Feb with NASA-MA. Depends on how quickly I can finish
the build and get the car painted.




The car is looking great. I’m jealous of your big garage.

Keep in mind that you are only allowed to race in the NASA region that issues you a provisional license for your first 6 races. So if you want to race with NASA MA then I would recommend waiting until next February at VIR to do Comp school. If you prefer to race with the SE region sign up for one of their schools.

  • Ken