R888 life near the end


Can anyone share their experiences about how long the R888’s will last at the end of their life cycle?
One of my tires is almost tread-less and I am trying to decide if I can nurse it through another weekend (~8 heat cycles) or not. My guess is that this tire won’t make it, but this is my first cycle through a set of the R888’s.



Well, I’ll answer my own question:
I got another three heat cycles out of them before badly cording the RF in the 35 minute race on Saturday in Pueblo. Prior to cording them they felt very bad: pushing into the corners then tending towards snap oversteer. New R888’s went on last night, yeah!


Somehow I missed this thread the first time. I’ve got some no-tread looking R888’s that are as you describe (they sure did make racing interesting). They have 7 days worth of wear on them (with 2 of which were HPDE days).

I’m moving on to set #2, full tread again. I’m wondering if a shaved set would wear down to the cords with better grip?


The new, unshaved, R888’s were about 1.5 seconds faster on a hotter day (95 vs. 85 degrees).


I can’t speak as to at the end, but the first session on fresh shaved ones this past May at CMP they didn’t feel too good at all. Scuff them before Qual or racing on them.