\"custom\" interior


here is an '87 325 (eta?) donor car on ebay

Look at the speedometer pic to get the full impact - we don’t need no stinking tach!

Would the dash and door skins be considered non-performance enhancing modifications???

And it really makes you wish that Toyo made RA1’s in RWL style


if it’s never seen a winter… why does it need the fur :huh:


I’m speechless. Bruce, you always find the most wacked-out stuff!

And to think someone must have put a fair amount of time into this rolling furball.


I totally want those RimZ
an 87 325 may be a 2.7L motor


That’s assuming it has a motor… notice that there’s no photos…

Could be one of those famous xBox 360 size=1[/size]Cheap!!!11!11!!-type auctions: Fuzzy BMW 3-series [size=1](no motor)[/size] Custom Sound System!


actually this one was found by Tim Ng on the M3 SIG list. I don’t need to troll ebay for e30’s anymore!

sdais wrote:

[quote]I’m speechless. Bruce, you always find the most wacked-out stuff!

And to think someone must have put a fair amount of time into this rolling furball.[/quote]


I would totally sport that dash if somebody snags it for me. Although, it’d probably need it’s own independent fire system. :woohoo: