I know the intake is connected via the breather tube, but my understanding was that it did not open into the intake tracts, only into the head, to permit pressure equalization. Which is why i’m wondering how so much smoke is getting in there. Unless it’s leaking at the center intake manifold gasket, of course. Are there any other paths from the intake to the crankcase?
Even if I had a sensitive flow meter or a 0-15/20 gauge, how would this help for a rather coarse system? I haven’t wrapped all the joints in my exhaust with tape, but I’m sure they’re permitting loss of air pressure because they’re slip fits with no clamps. Clearly, I have a gross leak at the vent tube and I’m wondering 1) whether that’s indicative of a problem and 2) if not, how to close it so that a sensitive flow meter and a pressure gauge would help. Unfortunately, removal requires pulling the intake and it’s also very difficult to reach. Even with a new set of seals, apparently it doesn’t seal well at all.