Ordering numbers


Where do you guys get your numbers from?
Suggestions? Deals?


check with Rich Vogl richvogl@msn.com
He is building a Spec E30 car, and has a vinyl graphics business and has done vinyl stuff for locals.


Check with your local sign shop. I priced a number package at a race car decal company and they quoted me like $125. I had a local sign shop do the same thing for under $60.


try gogogear.com
its where i get mine


Make sure your numbers comply with the CCR for size and stroke


Here’s where we’re getting our graphics…


I’ve also worked with this guy.



I’ve done some basic #s and stuff. I charge $5 for 2 10" whatever colors you need. I’m looking at doing some packages for the NASA classes but I need to look into it. It is a sidebusiness that I do with a couple of friends. I don’t want to step on any toes if you guys already deal with someone. I will be doing some test cuts in the next week or so on my own car. I’ve done 944spec and will be also doing a car for CMC.

richvogl@msn.com as Bruce stated. I can keep you guys updated.



I’d like to that everyone for their sticker/# orders! It has helped a great bunch on getting parts for the E30!! :laugh: :laugh:

She’s going in for the cage tomorrow!