Oil Cooler adapter question


As I understand the rules the oil filter can be replaced and oil cooler lines may be added. What if I replaced the stock oil fitler housing with an adapter plate. I do not have costs for it and it is only a prototype. However is it legal?

I can’t imagine they would cost much for some cast ones with threaded holes drilled. Well the 325 already has an oil cooler, but the 318 (M42) does not and it is quite difficult to add one, hence the reason for this.


Here are some very rough and crude drawings.


And this answer comes from a guy that likes to tinker…Do you know what the temperature of the engine is without the cooler? I would suggest a temp gauge before resources and money are spent to solve a problem that may not exist. I’ve seen 240 on my "i"engine without a cooler and I’m not looking to add one any time soon.

Regards,Robert Patton


After speaking with a friend who has had his fair share of E30’s, and at length, he highly recommended adapting an oil cooler as the M42 engine get very hot whole tracking and even autocrossing to the point of overheating. He said temps will be above 250 for an entire 20 minute session.

Since I am $1500 into this stupid engine rebuild because the person before me overheated and did some damage to the engine, I do not plan on spending another $1500 to rebuild it again if it over heats.

To anwser your question, yes it will help and is highly recommend by someone I trust who has experience with them.



Pardon my ignorance but I’m thought the "i" cars had an oil cooler. At least I know mine does and its not an aftermarket part.

I had considered replacing it with a larger aftermarket cooler but I don’t think that engine oil temp is a big problem in our cars. I say I don’t think because I have never seen a temp gauge to prove otherwise.


Maybe he was refering to the 318i, ie sedan.



The 318is (M42) does not have an oil cooler.

#7 Oil coolers may be added or replaced, and their location within the bodywork is unrestricted so long as they are not mounted within the driver/passenger compartment.
