New to the class looking to build...


I am new to the spec E30 class idea. I was looking to go racing and have a friend that has more knowledge about B than most people do about their children. I was looking at the class set up and what was available. I noticed that the cars are set into 2 groups SU and SO. SO being the fastest on paper. I also noticed that there is only one SU in the points and they are last.

So I pose the questions,
Can someone run SU and be seriously competitive at the track?

and secondly can someone do an engine swap and achieve SO status?



At last word, SU will be going away next year I think…Carter?
Youu can swap in an i motor and run in SO, and a few have done it. This series is strictly defined by the rules so download those and review them well… and welcome to the forum. ask away


humm, just made to cost go up a little bit. why not keep the class and just give them a weight brake? Ah either way, not my job.

So I am assuming from the rules I read I just pick an SO car I wish to mimic and insert an engine and rear diff from that car.

Correct? (I understand I have to prep according to the rules so there isn’t much difference)


Yep…pretty much like that. Verify in the rules about the year desination on the motor swap…