New Starke, FL Track Date Scheduled


for what its worth… Thanks Ranger for attempting this …


Ranger wrote:

Go find us a day. I am in Goshdarnit…!


Single SOB.

Seriously, If a date is set, you will not have much trouble finding 20 people to attend. The only possible caveat is that if you arrange a mid week day in the middle of summer, some will drop out because they cannot get time off of work and others may not show because of the heat. Track dasy in FL in the summer suck if one does not have access to A/C

Relative to “not a single SOB”, this is only one site with maybe 50 people who are here frequently. If you set up a day, and Pantas tells the entire NASA SE and we tell NASA FL, all of a sudden you’ll be turning people away. Particularly if the date is after Oct 1.



It’s likely to be a weekday, but we’ll have to see what dates they have available. It’s likely to be hot. Hard to get around that. We need to do this before the NASA date and it gets cool in FL when, Dec? I also have to look at when other events are. If I attempt to schedule it in a month where there’s lots of other events, no one will come.

The details will get worked out in the next couple of weeks. Either we can come up with something that sparks sufficient interest, or we won’t. My biggest concern is that I’m likely to end up fronting a couple grand. That could go poorly if folks don’t come. So if it’s not going to fly, I just need to figure that out early.


I would definitely be interested in this, and would be willing to pretty much commit once the numbers can get narrowed down a bit. This is as long as driver requirements are just Solo qualified and not race license.


I don’t need to say this - but you know you can count on the two of us. We were at Homestead this weekend - there still seems to be a lot of “we’ll believe it when we see it” around that track. I kept saying that it’s paved, and things are getting scheduled - I kept getting the “aren’t you cute - believing that dribble” looks - like I only have half the story. NASA Florida even has an event booked there in the fall - but everyone kept saying “tentative - if it really open”. I feel like the odd man out on the inside joke - and nobody gave me the “low-low” - even after plying them with copious quantities of swill.

BTW - Ranger - I spit iced tea on Natalie when I read your new signature on the bottom of your posts. That is truly the funniest thing I’ve heard this year. Perfect sig!

Maybe you should change to Mavrick. Don’t know who Goose is yet…



jblack wrote:


BTW - Ranger - I spit iced tea on Natalie when I read your new signature on the bottom of your posts. That is truly the funniest thing I’ve heard this year. Perfect sig!

Maybe you should change to Mavrick. Don’t know who Goose is yet…[/quote]

Well thank fudging god someone finally spotted the new signature . It was the funniest quip I’d come up with in 6 months. I even posted stupid stuff all week just to get folks to notice the darn signature for crissakes. The temptation was overwhelming to just give up and do a post that said, FOR CRISSAKES LOOK HOW GODDAMNED FUNNY MY SIGNATURE IS!!!

But that struck me as lacking a certain subtlty.

John, the beer’s on me for being the first one to notice.