New SFI compliant HNR. DefNder


A buddy in Atlanta just got it. Haven’t seen it yet myself.


I like it. Looks much more comfortable than Hans with the added side hit protection.

But of course Lawyers have to make a living.


lots of stuff on this issue and HNR’s in general at



It looks like a green HANS to me, with a few modifications. I’m surely not a big fan of frivolous lawsuits, but I’d be sueing them also.


yeah, but, the original Hans patent was granted in 1987 and it covers the ideas of straps holding a structure to the torso, and tethers holding the helmet to that structure. Patents expire after 17 years … Because of complexity and funding limitations in the patent office, being granted a patent is no longer a good indicator of inventiveness or uniqueness.
(I’m not a patent lawyer…)

drumbeater wrote:


bumping this to let ppl know that original thread scott linked to has a bunch of updates including pics and video.


Car is pretty much done and here is me testing the DefNder…


OriginalSterm wrote:

That might be taking the whole Star Trek “Gordi” thing a little too far. Can you see out of that thing>


worried someone might recognize me from the piece on america’s most wanted…

this thing is quite comfortable and within seconds i forget i’m wearing it. no idea how it compares to a hans device as i’ve never had one, but based on crash sled data and the price, i have no need to try a hans (i hope).