New guy looking for guidance re: headlights.


Hey folks,

I’m looking to build a SpecE30 car this year. Optimistically I’d like to have the car completed to run some of the event towars the latter part of the season.

Obviously the first step is to find a suitable car for preparation. I’ve found a potential candidate in an '87 325si. Unfortunately this car has had cosmetic OEM updates in the form of plastic bumpers and elipsoidal head lamps. I’ve already read the pissing match regarding bumper updates. While I don’t necessarily agree with how the spec is written, I fully appreciate and respect the need to adhere to the spec in a steadfast fashion. I know I’d need to retrofit the bumpers, however with regards to the headlights I think I need some guidance. I see no reference in the SpecE30 regs which mentions lighting. Swapping the head lights out isn’t necessarily a deal killer but are they a non-issue from a spec standpoint?

If anyone has any leads on a cosmetically flawed, low mileage e30 325is in very good mechanical condition, please let me know!



I would assume that no one is going to raise the issue of the headlights – even though it’s not explicitly stated that headlights are free, so long as stock configuration (i.e., 2 low beam, 2 high) is retained, I think it’s treated the same as trunk light removal; it shouldn’t matter.


I actually have 4 high beam lights installed, with 100 watt bulbs, for enduro racing. Legality of an "aftermarket light bulb" never occured to me. :unsure:


As we have mentioned before, we have very pressing performance enhancing issues on which to concentrate our attention during tech inspection events.

Headlight style isn’t a serious concern of Spec E30 Officials but always remember that if a fellow driver files a protest, we have no choice but to follow the Spec E30 Rules to the letter.

Hypothetically speaking, I would imagine that the most severe sanction for incorrect headlights would be a note in that weekend’s section of the offending driver’s logbook, with a check for compliance at the next race weekend.

And that’s only going to happen if some…driver…protests another driver for having the wrong headlights in his car.


As a driver, I will never, ever, ever protest another driver for having the wrong headlights in his car.



As a wannabe driver I’ll be checking for your trunk light. Robert (awaiting my drivers license for 2006) Pattonl