Hey everyone. I just purchased a car that I’m 95% positive will be built into a spec car. I got it for a whopping $250, so I was thinking of possibly doing the Grassroots Motorsport Challeng for $2006. But I really want to build a spec car this summer so I can start racing. What do you think about this car for a racecar. It has some cosmetic work that needs to be done, which I will tackle. The worst thing that I need to tackle is the motor. It has unknown milage, and has a blown head gasket. I was planning on checking the head, and if it needs it replacing the head with a used unit. What do you guys think? Or do I need to get a motor, completely rebuild it for every ounce of hp like the spec miatas to be competitive? Tell me whether I am wasting my time to try and tun this into a spec car…
Its a 1989 BMW 325i:
I had trouble getting photos to show up in the message, so copy and paste it into the adress bar and look at the little film strip.
All opinions are welcome…