New Car in Atlanta


Comming soon, from the wacky folks at Geno’s Garage, another spec e30 theme car. That’s right, we’ll add another one to the stable. Joining the Mayberry Police car and the Checker Cab four door will be…Well, it will be an '87 two door car.And the theme behind the car is so obvious that I’m wondering "why didn’t I think of that?"Any guesses? Thanks in advance for your ideas and speculation. Please post your ideas. Regards, Robert Patton


Patton wrote:

A philly Cheesesteak mobile?


Getaway car?
Stretch Limo?
Fox News film crew?


Sean and Chuck, you’re not even warm. Keep guessing as the idea is imbedded in this text. Regards, Robert Patton


Patton wrote:



Stagecoach???What???try again.Keep guessing as the answer is imbedded in this text. Regards, Robert Patton


A tank for General Patton?

Michael O.


It’s not embedded but how about an ambulance.


Mike O., you’ve got it! Car M47 a Patton Tank replica will be built this fall . Now, do you know Simon Hunter? The obvious car for him is a "Realtree" Camo car complete with redneck gun rack mounted on the rear rollbar. "Now that’s funny." I suggested this to Simon, but I think it fell on def ears. And you’re correct, I’m a few bricks short of a load. Regards, Robert PATTON


crikey! :stuck_out_tongue:

is it legal for "part of the cage" to stick straight forward through the windsheild, say, about where the rear view mirror usually sits? :wink:

Post edited by: ecpreston, at: 2006/08/16 17:24


I’ve been racking my brain trying to come up with a theme for my car. The only thing I could think of was painting it like the 88 UPS car. In our case UPS would stand for Under Powered Sedan. :wink:


Steve, I never got around to asking you what your nickname really means, but if you feel pretty in Pink, you could be the Pepto Bismol Special.


"Geno’s garage" - I was expecting a pizza delivery car.


ctbimmer wrote:

Ah, so you’ve been lurking over on …huh? Funny stuff Chuck. Everyone is welcome, we have a good time over there.

Professionally, I wear several hats. I’m in the wholesale petroleum business and I also operate a trucking company that delivers gasoline and diesel fuel. Hence, I am the "gasman". Unrelated to the petroleum industry, I also own and operate two Bruster’s Ice Cream stores. Incidently, Bruster’s will sponser my car and you will see the Bruster’s logo along with their associates logos and color scheme on my car when I race next at Roebling road. Its nice to figure out how to have your business associates help us with all the fun we are having…huh?


So does this mean that the Saturday evening desert (ice cream) will be provided by Bruster’s?




Not a bad idea Carter.


Gasman wrote:

I see an Ice Cream Truck race car sponsored by brewsters… Talk to Patton, his hookup with fishead graphics can get you any vinyl you need to make it happen. I’m sure you could probably even find the little music box they use.

It’s Brilliant.

Patton, love the tank idea

Post edited by: kchildre, at: 2006/08/17 06:08


Steve, sing along with me as we sit on the grid waiting to start the race…Van Halens "I’m your ice cream man…da,da.dada da…"Did you leave the speakers in the car? I idea think that the ice cream man idea trumps your 04 McLaren idea. Have fun , Regards, Robert Patton


Yo, Channing, How are you doing? Got enough $$$$$ to build a car yet? See ya, Robert