Hi guys,
I’m moving to ATL shortly from Dallas and looking to ask some questions. I’m currently a NASA/SCCA member here in Dallas and race the 1st Gen Spec RX-7 class. http://www.txspec7.org/Home/tabid/72/Default.aspx
I’m having to relocate due to work and don’t see a SRX7 group. I thought this might be an opportunity for me to inquire about joing the SE30 group. A few questions:
- hear that both classes are “momentum cars” - big on driver skill - true?
- hear that both are very reasonable in cost but I know SRX7 is hard to beat on that front. if i wished to buy a race ready car - how much am I looking at?
- are there cars for rent that I can try it out one race weekend and see how i like it?
- is there a good local group that is very helpful on and off track in ATL area?
- how expensive is it to maintain e30s? availability of parts and abundence?
- when is your next race and who can I contact to come find out more.
Looking forward to learning more and possibly joining the group.