MA season is done, time to head north


Incase you guys don’t check the NE section, we have one more race on Halloween weekend at NJMP. Perfect opportunity to come check out Thunderbolt, which is a really fun track, now that you don’t have another race until February. There were a lot of schedule conflicts between the two regions this year, I only made it down there for Hyperfest and you guys really haven’t had the chance to come up to NJMP yet (the other tracks are a little further away, so trips there would be tougher anyway). Also, to give you a frame of reference, it’s less than 3 hours from D.C.

OK, enough solicitation for now, but it would be a lot of fun if some of you made the trip.

And if NJMP itself isn’t enough, ask Pantas about our food. We might be mediocre drivers, but we sure as hell know how to cook/drink :wink: