Local NC Tool Loan?


My monster work weekend is approaching. Does anyone near Durham have a spring compressor, a pickle fork, or the 32 mm wrench for the cooling fan clutch that they could loan me for the June 10-11 weekend?



Advance and Pep Boys have most of the tools you will need. You have to put a deposit on them for the tool price but they will credit you back 100% when you return the tools. I have a 32 mm fan wrench you can use. Just let me know.

- Ken


Autozone rents a spring compresser for 40.00 then gives it back when you return it. I have used the one they rent on the E30 before so it fits. An impact gun REALLY helps with this job…
As for the 32mm wrench, I bought a cheapo china wrench at the flea market tool shed and ground it thinner on the bench grinder…
Don’t use a pickle fork if you intend to reuse the ball joints because it will probably tear the boots. the better choice is the lever type sold by JC whitney


Sasha - if you decide to get a wrench, a 1 1/4 open end is within 1/100 of an inch of 32 mm (1.25 vs. 1.26). and a lot easier to find. I bought one for $9 at advance to remove my fan.


See my other note about ratcheting tie down as a spring compressor.

Easiest way to get ball joints apart…cheapy air impact hammer from harbor freight. Use the fitting that looks like a punch.

On sale for $8 bucks!!


Loosen up the nuts, and a couple of hits from the impact hammer and the parts come loose. NO DRAMA, NO TORN ANYTHING.


30SpecE30 wrote:

[quote]See my other note about ratcheting tie down as a spring compressor.

Easiest way to get ball joints apart…cheapy air impact hammer from harbor freight. Use the fitting that looks like a punch.

On sale for $8 bucks!!


Loosen up the nuts, and a couple of hits from the impact hammer and the parts come loose. NO DRAMA, NO TORN ANYTHING.[/quote]
You got lucky then Ric…
I have beat on one with the air hammer a long time with no luck. Had to use the real deal puller with prejudice.


I borrowed this when doing the suspension on my buddies car. It is a miracle tool…I never new where to get them, thanks for the link nasaregistrar.


you are welcome. Worth every penny!