Left Turn Signal Gremlin


Thanks for the help on the air dam–I’m going to buy some custom brackets from Vic. Here’s another problem, and I know, you’re going to ask what the hell I need my turn signal for? If I had a tow vehicle, I wouldn’t.

After getting the car back from the cage build, the left turn signal stays permanately lit if the headlights are on. The dash indicator, and the front and rear signals themselves, remain lit steadily regardless of the position of the turn signal stalk. If the headlights aren’t on, everything works as it should. Does anyone have any thoughts about the cause or experience with the same?



Absent an electrical troubleshooting manual, I would suspect a ground problem – examine the ground wires off of the turn signal stalk that ground on the steering column and/or the left parking light circuit. (I would suspect the issue is in/around/behind the dash, given that the dash was pulled for the build, right?)


I have the Mitchell wiring diagrams that I could email to you if you’d like. The turn lights and parking lights are part of the same circuit. I stared at the diagrams for a while but nothing jumped out at me.


Sasha, check your Yahoo email. I’m sending you a file.(13mb)

My symantec antivirus is taking it’s sweet time to send it. :whistle:

Post edited by: Teufelauto, at: 2006/02/14 23:51


Sounds like a bad or loose ground wire… the turn signal lamp may be back feeding power…


I’ve been struggling for a month to figure out why none of my headlights worked. Tonight, I have achieved victory!:woohoo: My right forward [color=#FF6600]turn signal[/color] connector needed reseated. Such a dangerous occurance from so simple a discrepancy! :sick: <-- That’s how I felt when they went out while I was driving.

Every possibility must be considered when dealing with 'em. Someone did the disco turn signal mod to my car, but I don’t know if that’s the reason I had total failure when the connection went bad.


It’s probably one of you guys, but, for the record, here is a link to a discussion of the turn signal/headlights on problem:


Thanks, Bruce. That’s exactly my problem. Now I’ve got to find the time and motivation to insert myself under the dash with the damn door bars in place!
