Last items - questions


Now we are really close - I figured out a way to handle the window net, and with stuff from Lowes have got it sussed out and completed. But still have a few things to deal with - any assistance would be great:

  1. Do I need to seal up the "ski pass-through" hole in the rear seat firewall?
  2. What is the easiest way to set up a dead pedal?
  3. Do Toyo stickers come with the tires when you get them at an event from Sasco?
  4. Is anyone using the clip-on convex rear view mirror? Do you like?
  5. Recommendations on a pyrometer?
  6. How do I put white numbers on a white car?.. Just joking!

Plain, white car (for now!)


I tried the covex mirror and really didn’t like it. I know others on here have had success, but it just made everything behind me way too small. I like my wink mirror much better, and it was no problem to pipe clamp it to the roll bar. Now I can not only see that someone is behind me, but I might even be able to figure out who’s about to lap me.:blink:



+1 on the wink.

they take a little getting used to but they give you a good view of the world behind you… and/or Sasha. :pinch:


catsailor wrote:

[quote]Now we are really close - I figured out a way to handle the window net, and with stuff from Lowes have got it sussed out and completed. But still have a few things to deal with - any assistance would be great:

  1. Do I need to seal up the "ski pass-through" hole in the rear seat firewall?
  2. What is the easiest way to set up a dead pedal?
  3. Do Toyo stickers come with the tires when you get them at an event from Sasco?
  4. Is anyone using the clip-on convex rear view mirror? Do you like?
  5. Recommendations on a pyrometer?
  6. How do I put white numbers on a white car?.. Just joking!

Plain, white car (for now!)[/quote] You can get Toyo stickers directly from Toyo or in the MA region we have some at Tech
Yes, you should seal up the ski hole
if you really want white numbers on a white car, put them on a black circle background B)

I am curious about homebrew dead pedals too…I need one


The rules mention that we must use NASA provided backgrounds for the numbers - I was joking about white numbers - but actually do plan to use black backgrounds with yellow numbers. Do we really have to get the backgrounds from NASA? OR can I have my graphics guy do the whole thing - numbers and backgrounds? That is the route I think will take anyway, I am sure NASA won’t care as long as the stuff is the correct size.
What size background circle are we to use?

Gonna go with a Wink mirror - only problem is that the stock mirror is right up against the roll cage and cannot be pushed forward to release the spring clip (wish I had removed it prior to cage install) - now I may have to cut it out unless someone has a better idea for me.


Spec E30 does not have mandated number backgrounds that are required, so it falls to the general requirements:

The side numbers must be at least ten (10) inches tall with a one and a half (1.5) inch stroke and be of a contrasting color. The front and/or rear numbers must be at least four (4) inches tall. The distance between the numbers shall be as wide as the stroke of the numbers. No metallic numbers having iridescent and/or reflective properties are allowed. Reflective numbers for night driving is highly recommended and may be required at some events. No wood-grain numbers are allowed. No numbers that blend in with the car’s graphics, and/or are difficult to distinguish are allowed.

I would go with Black or another number color for contrast over a number panel (but that’s my personal preference). For my car, I just did a contrasting color (and a black outline) of the numbers themselves.

As far as the mirror goes, I went with an 18" longacre convex and am very happy with it. The OEM mirror should go, if you can’t get to it easily now (to pull or cut it) eventually you’ll need to replace the windshield so it might be easier with that pulled.


11.4.15 Car Numbers
The vehicle should exhibit its assigned car number (if any) on both sides of the car. The
numbers must be at least ten (10) inches tall and be of a contrasting color. No numbers
may be placed on the side windows. Numbers on the front or rear of the car are
recommended but not required. Metallic numbers, and numbers having iridescent
and/or reflective properties, are prohibited.

I saw the other rule as well…we do not provide numbers or backgrounds in the MA region, so if you follow the above, you will be OK


We went with the 10" numbers on the doors per the NASA CCR to be safe. However, the Spec E30 rule state the numbers have to be 8" tall. :huh: There’s also a conflict between the front and rear numbers. So we decided to error on the side of being too big.


CCR will supercede class rules but you will get no grief from me or my timing crew for those numbers


FWIW 8" is as big as can fit inside the Grassroots Motorsports numberplates.


Teufelauto wrote:

[quote]FWIW 8" is as big as can fit inside the Grassroots Motorsports numberplates.[/quote]The MA region does not use them and CCR says 10". It is a coufusion I know. The number plates are provided only if the Class requires it. If they provide the plates then they need to provide the numbers. That is the way it was explained to me.


I thought the class rules always overule the CCR …

nasaregistrar wrote:


leggwork wrote:

[quote]I thought the class rules always overule the CCR …

nasaregistrar wrote:

They do on Spec E30 specific prep/car building rules, minimum weights, etc. On general rules like numbers, go with the CCR.



yeah but if the Spec E30 rules did specify a number size, then we would have to comply with that over the CCR, right?

Carter wrote:

[quote]leggwork wrote:

[quote]I thought the class rules always overule the CCR …

nasaregistrar wrote:

They do on Spec E30 specific prep/car building rules, minimum weights, etc. On general rules like numbers, go with the CCR.



As Mike and I go through the Spec E30 Rules, I’ll try to find any specific rules that conflict with the CCR. I don’t think there are any major issues - no one at Spec E30 will give you a hard time about your numbers if NASA is happy with them.



I was just using numbers as an example.

speaking of overruling the CCR - are you going to add something to the spec e30 rules that prevents the cage door bars from going through the B pillar?

15.6.12 Door Bars / Side Impact Protection

Unless superseded by class rules, modifications to any non-chassis structure (such as door panels, inner door sheet metal, windows, door internals, etc.) may be made to accommodate any allowed door bar configuration. However, removal of material and / or modifications is limited to 1) the least amount to accommodate the door bar(s), and 2) can serve no other function. Holes in the door jam (B-pillar) may be permitted to accommodate door bars; however the structure should not be “notched� so as to weaken it.