Labor Day: "SouthEast Lightning Fun Race" at RRR


ctbimmer wrote:

[quote]Gary, that’s great. This is the tally I think I know so far:

People who told me they have put checks in the mail:

  1. Robert Patton
  2. Laura Patton
  3. Scott Gress
  4. Kelly Childress
  5. me
    People who said they are going
  6. Eric Nissen (GTS2 guy, black/red # 013 E30)
  7. Jim Robinson (has to fix his car first!)
  8. Fred Switzer
  9. Gary Nilsen
    ?) Damion was a maybe, IIRC
  • I handed out a few (a very few) forms at the track this weekend. The info is also up on a few web sites so there may be some entries I’m not aware of.
    Some went to non-BMW people so we could have a few miscellaneous-classed cars.

So I think we may make 10 but not the 20 I was hoping for.[/quote]

It’s still earily.
Add Scott Mc to the list and we’re at 10.Gary, thanks for comming up from Florida.
Damion is always on the fence until the last minute.

Regards, Robert Patton


Group, if you want to go, please get the forms/checks in the mail now. VDCA won’t confirm the race group until they see the money, and it’s down to 3 weeks away. I think we’re going to be there eventually, but let’s not make everyone sweat.


Chuck, thank you for the time you’ve spent putting this deal together.Let’s get ready to rumble at Roebling.

My check(s) were mailed yesterday.



As of this morning, VCDA tells me he has 7 entries/checks, so we’re still a little light. The rest of you who are planning on going, please do get that in the mail early this week. Thanks!


ctbimmer wrote:

If you tell us who has paid we can apply some peer pressure.


I don’t have actual names…but I can get them


Dropping car off to get fixed today. If they can get it done before Labor Day I’m in.

Have the form filled out just waiting to put in the mail.


Hot off the press:

Nissen Eric
Gress Scott
Switzer Fred
Childress Kelly
Patton Robert
Taylor Chuck
Patton Laura



Thinking of opening it up to Thunder as well. See the thread on

Any thoughts from those who haven’t signed up and/or any objections from those who have?


Rumor has it that Robinson found a matched-silver door and will be making the trip to RRR.

If his attendance in something other than enduro is not enough yo bring out the competition…well I don’t know what else will do it.

Come on Damion, where are you?
Skeen and Skeen?

Regards, Robert Patton


Done. I invited the Thunder racers too. We’ll figure out what we need to do with splits (or not), etc. based on the mix of cars we get.


Robinson is fixing the car and elsewhere I noted that Gary Nilsen has sent in his check.We’re only two weekends away.

How about the Blacks from Florida. Mid Atlantic? Moses?


Thanks in advance, RP


:frowning: :frowning: Sounds like fun but I am Gonna do the family thing that weekend.

VIR in October though!:woohoo:


I’ll be there! I sent my check in yesterday.

Still looking for a traqmate roebling file. Anyone have one? Skeen?



sir_gary wrote:

[quote]I’ll be there! I sent my check in yesterday.

Still looking for a traqmate roebling file. Anyone have one? Skeen?



They got Sir_Gary’s check today so he makes 9 so far.

I think we have 7 SpecE30s, a GTS2 (aka KP) E30 (Eric Nissen), and a GTS5 Porsche 928 (Mike Simard)

Mr. Zul8R (Honda guy I think) says on the other forum he mailed a check, so I believe we might have made 10. Besides Indy on the fence, is anybody else thinking of going? Anyone in MA or FL want to come out and play?


Chuck when is the deadline to get money in?


87isMan wrote:

After that, the price is $300.


Group, we’ve now been granted 4 sessions on Saturday, so rather than waste the 4th session with more practice (I don’t need no stinking practice!) we’ve asked VDCA to give us two races instead.

So, the Saturday lineup will be practice, qualify, race1, race2.

Race2 will likely have some kind of fun twist to it. VDCA and I are talking about that, but haven’t made a final decision yet.

Sunday will still be practice/qualify/race and an early start home.


7 sessions, 3 races, and a banquet for $250.

What we need is a permanent relationship with these guys.