just got my e30


Just got my e30, bought it from Forest he dropped it by my place saturday its a 1987 325is. I cant wait to get it race ready, for now im gonna get it running well and do the hpde’s with it till i can get my comp licence and work toward getting the car race ready over the same time period, I hope to have the car ready at the same time i get my comp licence we will see :slight_smile:



Welcome to the addiction.

Let us know any questions you might have…



Where are you located?



Located in Edgewood Maryland, 10 minutes north of Baltimore Maryland



You’re the guy with the Merc…correct?

Good to see you found a car. Keep us up to date on your progress.



Jonathan wrote:


Let me know if you need assistance with the car. I am located in Annapolis, MD.



Hi Jonathon

Congrats! I am still excited about mine, I have the 89 green 325i and the black audi A4!! I’ve got quite a bit of prep to do before Sept hpde. I’ve almost finished with replacing all the fluids, cooling hoses, fuel and fuel injection hoses/boot and a new water pump belt. I am going to put the bilsteins on for Septs hpde. I’ve been buying my parts from alleurasian and http://www.eap4parts.com/index.html. I’ve been using the ETK and Sterling BMW dealershipfor anything else. http://www.bmwofsterling.com/Department-Parts.aspx


yes I’m the guy with the black mercedes was running number 113 on both of my hpde’s so far. update on the car all new fluids are in, I have ordered a ton of parts to get here to replace many worn factory parts and prep for maryland state inspection, thanks for the links bmwbadboy, and stevekappy i may need to look you up I have a ton of questions, and want to do the projects DIY if i can so advice and or assistance I can use :slight_smile:


Jonathan wrote:

Email me privately and hopefully I can help you out :slight_smile:



Here is the link to the online ETK. I use this alot. for part ordering and repair and maint reference. http://www.realoem.com/bmw/ Here is the link to eurasianautoparts. http://alleurasianautoparts.com/ I have done quite a bit of price comparison and Eap4parts.com and eurasianautoparts have the best prices.