I was told there was a ecu with a speed limiter, does anyone know the number.
Is there a ecu with a speed limiter?
I want to say it’s the 525. I posted on it here a few years ago. I borrowed a bunch of ECUs from Strictly German and took them all to Balanced Performance. The one I suspected had a speed limiter, we did a ‘fun run’, meaning the operator upshifted to 5th, so we could explore top speed.
Sure enough, as the car approached 130mph true speed, it began exhibiting a soft cutout. Had a pretty good power/torque curve if you didn’t mind the loss of absolute top speed.
I’ve seen a thread that had good info re. speed limiter and DME’s but it’s taking me some time to find it. Meanwhile I found this
In this thread Jim Levie agrees with Chuck re. the 525. Jim is rarely wrong. http://spece30.com/forum/41-electrical-gauges-and-sensors/62759-the-380-dme
Just cut the wire from the speedo to the ecu, runs fine, just need to take it to the dyno to see if it gone. Its a 524 ecu. Thanks for the help.