Introduction and questions (Crosspost)


Sorry for the cross post - but I just wanted to make sure I put this in the right place…


Hello everyone!

Just joined NASA out of interest in this class. My name is J and I live in SC. Glad to see someone out there has taken the time to put up a pretty darn nice website for this class.

We are building a car from scratch and want as much info, advice, and help as any of you guys are willing to throw at us. This is going to be my car, and my teammate is doing a Spec Miata build to race in SCCA (after racing for a while in ITA). We will be the ones primarily doing this build and would like to do it correctly (and cheaply!)

I have posted pictures of what we have (the car and a seperate IS engine that we sourced) in the Photo Galleries section under Kong Motorsports. Please look at what we’ve got and fire away.

My first question is about the engine swap. The one on the trailer (IS motor) is a low milage unit and I was wondering how far I should tear it down on the rebuild. Would also like recommendations on a rebuild kit source. I’ve used BavAuto in the past.

Also figured that dropping that engine in this car (originally a 325e) would bump it up to the faster class (as per the rules) but wanted to make sure I was going about all this the right way. Seems like my main concerns would be getting a differential and the suspension kit.

Well - just wanted to say hello and throw out my first questions. Thanks for the site and looking forward to hearing responses.



It’s good to have you here. Keep us updated on your build project.

My number-one suggestion is to keep a copy of the Spec E30 Rules with your car as you do the build. Before you turn a wrench, check the Rules.

And feel free to contact me directly with any build questions.

We’ll be racing at CMP (in SC) later this year so come hang out with us that weekend.

To see the NASA Mid Atlantic schedule go to



Do you know the history of the motor? You say it has low mileage. If you know it’s a healthy engine, I would leave it alone and not bother rebuilding it. I hear about more blown rebuilt engines than I do about factory high mileage motors. Pull the oilpan, have some baffling done, install an Accusump, tune up the engine and go racing.

I wouldn’t worry about the suspension. Plenty of places stock and sell all the parts you’ll need. A 3.73LSD isn’t too hard to find, but you do have to keep your eye out for them.


here is a spreadsheet with the latest spec e30 rules - makes it easy to make notes about what you will do for a given rule and where to get stuff, etc.
Just remove the .txt extension.
bruce [file name=spec_e30_2006_rules.xls.txt size=60928][/file]

Post edited by: leggwork, at: 2006/03/22 12:01