IFU at Roebling with Thunder Roadsters


There is a discussion with the TR’s re. a joint IFU at Roebling in Apr. We’d all be running in the same class and as usual the format would be intended to maximize close racing. One of the charms of doing this with the TR’s is that it would significantly boost the # of cars in the race. The last couple of years have seen relatively low turn-out at Roebling so by adding the TR’s we get more cars in the mix and also lower the cost of participation.

If I had to guess at the cost I’d say $80 and we’re going to put together a t-shirt.



With 80 views and zero responses I’m guessing that this is not a popular/good idea. For e30 guys and gals I’m thinking that the IFU concept has outlived the fun-factor.



There is still some talk among the various class directors re. an IFU race at RR. Since there doesn’t seem to be much interest among y’all, I’ve stayed out of that conversation. If you guys change your mind, let me know.


I’ve always enjoyed the IFU race. I wouldn’t really want to do it with Thunder Roadsters, but if thats what it takes, I’m in. I would do it either way.


I’m with McKay, I never like to run with the TR’s - great guys but they mess up the flow of SE30’s, and last year they ran Thunder! let’s just do an Extra SE30 race at the end of the day, starting grid just like earlier in the day. Apex Masonry will pay out $250 to the winner! Count 4, maybe 5 or even 6 cars from MBTB