No one has cashed in yet this year, but with all the folks traveling for this event, this is just a friendly reminder that the Pound Robert Grace Bounty is still out there waiting and nothing could make us happier than to pay out over $1k to a group of drivers that make it happen. With all the visiting drivers, this should be the weekend, and at Robert’s local track in front of his friends, family, and probably his pet poodle and kitty Speckles - how embarrassing! For those that missed it, the details are as follows:
For the foreseeable 2013 race season*, every driver that is eligible for the full BimmerWorld contingency program that beats Robert on the Saturday contingency race will get a $50 BimmerWorld Gift Card. 10 racers beat Robert - great, we pay 10 people. As long as I don’t have to send a contingency payout to Robert, I am happy.
Details (there are always are a few to keep it fair):
[li]*If Robert starts throwing races so his buddies get rich $50 at a time, or if costs are way higher than we anticipate, we reserve the right to cancel the program at any time, with notice before the next affected race. We also reserve the right to up the ante along the way.[/li]
[li]While a $50 Gift Card is quite the treasure trove, this huge incentive can’t make the racing unsafe. Contact resulting in a spin/off/position change doesn’t cut it. I will be the sole judge of the situation. [/li]
[li]I am looking for real Robert Grace poundings on track. If Robert is a DNS or DNF, that isn’t a level of domination we are paying for. [/li]
[li]This Bounty is for all the drivers/car owners in the SE30 field - not ringers or guns for hire. If you’re a frequent renter, you’re in. If you race in a pro series, you’re out.[/li]
[li]To be eligible for the full BimmerWorld contingency program, you must have both BW and PFC decals placed as directed in the details of that program. NO EXCEPTIONS. [/li]
[li]Claims for this Bounty will be made the same way as for our standard contingency program.[/li]
Good luck to everyone at Hyperfest, and don’t feel too bad for Robert - Speckles will lick away his tears with her rough little kitty-cat tongue.