How Many Cars for next year's field


I was looking over the member profiles recently and I noticed we have A LOT of folks building cars for the series. If my math was correct, last year we finished with about 14 active cars running in the Mid Atlantic region with NASA.

Dave Pallister is currently in the process of building three cars, two for clients and a third as a customer rental.

This question is for everyone to speculate on, but especially Carter since he’s the head guru…Any idea how many cars are going to be at the track next year?

My guess would be a bunch. Maybe 20+



In the Southeast Region Patton will be driving a taxi cab from Atlanta Checker cabs. The Mayberry Police car has been given to my daughter and she may race the car towards the end of the year. David Cullen will have a car ready for the NASA SE season opener at Road Atlanta in March.Chuck Taylor will have a car ready and may go racing this year. Right, Chuck ? Also in the SE area we have the Meyers father and son team that have made the switch to SO and are always faaaaast at the races they attend. Others from the SE area? Let’s hear from you. Regards, Robert (taxi driver0 Patton


Post Script… Since there are not many events at Mid Atlantic for the beginning of the season, I’m hoping that a good number of the MA guys will mark their calendars for our March 18-19 event at Road Atlanta. Last year the locals were put to shame by those traveling MA racers. But with Mel Meyers running his car in SO we promise to have some competition for you in the front, as well as the back, of the field. Regards, Robert


Roll cage is done.

All that remains:[ul][li]Paint[/li][li]Accusump[/li][li]Transponder[/li][li]Rookie License[/li][/ul]

A trailer and tow vehicle would be nice, but they’re not absolutely necessary, as yet.


I’m hoping we can get 5 on the grid out here next summer. :slight_smile:


and there will be one, maybe two in Colorado. :wink:
Good thing GTS Challenge is there also.


My WAG is about 10 to start the Mid Atlantic season, with another 8 to 10 coming in as the year progresses.

I’m planning to do Road Atl in March, Mid Ohio and others later in the year, and the NASA National Championship if possible.

I’ll also head to the West coast for an arrive-and-drive someday.

Obviously, Spec E30 is not perfect but from the continued steady and manageable growth, we (drivers and administration) are doing something right.

I want to thank all the drivers, old and new, for making this one of the best racing series in all of NASA, and I look forward to this coming season in all our participating NASA regions.



Patton wrote:

Right, Robert.

Racing is my plan for 2006. Regards, chuck

PS does Patton torture the rest of you guys over a "car theme" like he does the locals here in Atlanta? The best (worst?) idea I’ve heard this fall is to take my black car, paint a big white stripe and make a Skunkmobile out of it. Um, let me get back to you on that one, ok?


Carter wrote:

[quote]My WAG is about 10 to start the Mid Atlantic season, with another 8 to 10 coming in as the year progresses.

I’m planning to do Road Atl in March, Mid Ohio and others later in the year, and the NASA National Championship if possible.

I’ll also head to the West coast for an arrive-and-drive someday.

Obviously, Spec E30 is not perfect but from the continued steady and manageable growth, we (drivers and administration) are doing something right.

I want to thank all the drivers, old and new, for making this one of the best racing series in all of NASA, and I look forward to this coming season in all our participating NASA regions.


I’ll revise my previous post…

I’m guessing that about 10 of the active 14 Mid Atlantic cars will be at VIR in Feb. Hopefully, the other 4, and about 8 to 10 new cars will join us as the season goes.



Hey new to the forums, but my father and I are planning to race in the near future. So hope to see you guys out there!



I hope to see you out there as well!!!

I may or may not be there…but my car will likely be there.



Yo Folks

I am building a car, with the plan to run the whole Mid-Atlantic and maybe a couple of SE races. I hope to have it at VIR and as I dont have a job, I should be able to get it done. Currently I have my cat locked inside it to hopefully get all the rodents out…the glue traps did not work.



Yo Folks

I am building a car, with the plan to run the whole Mid-Atlantic and maybe a couple of SE races. I hope to have it at VIR and as I dont have a job, I should be able to get it done. Currently I have my cat locked inside it to hopefully get all the rodents out…the glue traps did not work.
