Help with motor swap - starter Q


having some trouble with ALex’s motor swap.

We can’t get the starter to turn over. We’re putting the big 12v wire to one terminal, and if I give 12v to the other terminal, I expect the solenoid to click, and the starter to run - but I’m not getting anything!! I can short the 12V directly to the starter, by bypassing the solenoid, and it turns…any idea on WTF is holding the solenoid up? Are they considered fragile?
Thanks in advance!


You need the wire from ignition switch to the solenoid. When you turn the key to ‘start’ position solenoid enables starter. IIRC, starter’s drive pinion has to be engaged before solenoid switches juice to the starter.



Sounds like the solenoid might be bad, do you have a known good to swap? Are all the terminals clean, Make sure all the connections and hardware are tight and making contact Just a few idea’s for what it’s worth!


Still no luck - VERY frustrating…Starter solenoid gets big 12V wire, and 12v signal but still nothing…there’s only 2 freaking terminals - this shouldn’t be that difficult!! I’m starting to suspect bad solenoid…will test more tomorrow and report back.
Thanks for your replies.
SO #325