On a similar observation, the big winglets on some of the newer seats look good for controling sideways head motion. However, I think their original intention were for purpose built touring cars where the seats were set further back than the stock seat locations. This seat placement further back still allows for escape out of the side window. Having the seat closer, makes emergency exit very difficult. Of course you have to survive the initial wreck to then worry about the need for any emergency escapes. So there are compromises all over for how people prioritize their safety.
At least once every race weekend I practice emergency escapes out of both the left and right side window openings. Even better, do it with your eyes closed, to simulate the car full of fire extinguisher powder. Bonus if you practice with the car upside down. Oh, can’t do that in simulation, LOL.
I’ve been using a HANS for 2 years. No real tests yet, knock on wood!