greymarket 325e


I have a greymarket 85 325e and was wondering if a 325is drivetrain transplant would allow it to be legal? You see I’ve already prepped the suspension for autocross and don’t have the funds to do it again. So am I up a creek or can this be done?


Motor swaps are allowed, and have been done on a couple cars in the series. You should be fine!


depends on what other than the engine is different from a US market 325. If there is too much different, you could always get a new car and swap suspensions (presuming your current setup is the spec e30 suspension)

mcwstwin wrote:

[quote]I have a greymarket 85 325e and was wondering if a 325is drivetrain transplant would allow it to be legal? You see I’ve already prepped the suspension for autocross and don’t have the funds to do it again. So am I up a creek or can this be done?