
Anyone else in the RTP area of NC building a car with parts to install or maintenance to perform? I’ve been hording parts like a squirrel with nuts and am looking forward to one huge blow-out week of work. My wife and kids leave town on June 6 and I’ll have just over a week to eat hot dogs, leave the house a mess, and work on my car! I’d love to work concurrently with any others on their cars or welcome anyone to come drink free beer at my place and laugh as I try to figure things out. Here’s what I need to do:

Timing belt, water pump and tensioner (delete A/C condesnor + fan at the same time)
H+R Springs
IE adjustable camber plates
Stainless steel brake lines/brake system bleed
Oil pressure gauge
ST sway bars

If anyone’s interested in joining me, let me know.



Ex36 wrote:

[quote]Anyone else in the RTP area of NC building a car with parts to install or maintenance to perform? I’ve been hording parts like a squirrel with nuts and am looking forward to one huge blow-out week of work. My wife and kids leave town on June 6 and I’ll have just over a week to eat hot dogs, leave the house a mess, and work on my car! I’d love to work concurrently with any others on their cars or welcome anyone to come drink free beer at my place and laugh as I try to figure things out. Here’s what I need to do:

Timing belt, water pump and tensioner (delete A/C condesnor + fan at the same time)
H+R Springs
IE adjustable camber plates
Stainless steel brake lines/brake system bleed
Oil pressure gauge
ST sway bars

If anyone’s interested in joining me, let me know.

Sounds like a spectator event to me…LOL!! B)


This sounds like a BeerTech event!

I’ll be back from the honeymoon around then.

I’ll be in touch.



I can probably come over and help, The VIR Gold Cup races are June 9th-11 but other than that I have some time. Not sure about hot dogs but I definately like beer.



hmmm, who wants to get in on a poll as to how long JP will be married?

155MPH wrote:

[quote]This sounds like a BeerTech event!

I’ll be back from the honeymoon around then.

I’ll be in touch.



HA! He thinks all of the "free" time he has now will continue…silly rabbit…


At least he’s not trying to teach an old dog new tricks–his "sickness" is apparent from the beginning and part of the package his fiance is accepting. But maybe he should ammend the vows a little bit to include something about promising to support and embrace SpecE30 before she says "I do"!


Jones wrote:

Actually…this is a great time to set the standard. "Honey, I’ll be home when I get home." Yes, I have actually used that phrase.

Get her used to it early and you’re in good shape for the duration.



Ex36 wrote:

[quote]Anyone else in the RTP area of NC building a car with parts to install or maintenance to perform? I’ve been hording parts like a squirrel with nuts and am looking forward to one huge blow-out week of work. My wife and kids leave town on June 6 and I’ll have just over a week to eat hot dogs, leave the house a mess, and work on my car! I’d love to work concurrently with any others on their cars or welcome anyone to come drink free beer at my place and laugh as I try to figure things out. Here’s what I need to do:

Timing belt, water pump and tensioner (delete A/C condesnor + fan at the same time)
H+R Springs
IE adjustable camber plates
Stainless steel brake lines/brake system bleed
Oil pressure gauge
ST sway bars

If anyone’s interested in joining me, let me know.


If I’m around I’ll come turn a wrench. Give us a reminder as we get closer to the time.




I’ll probably be free to help. My new home phone number (as of next monday) is in my profile.

  • Dan Smith


Sounds like we have similar plans. My guest bedroom looks like a well stocked candy store.

2 seats, 6 point harnesses, roll bar, 8mm ignition wires, spark plugs, distributor cap and rotor, fuel filter, a case of oil, super blue, ht-10 pads, shocks, H&R race springs, IE adjustable camber plates, Bilstein sport shocks, stainless steel brake lines, hood pins and a few other items.

I guess I need to place an order for more beer too.

I hope to have everything out of the house and in the car with in the next week or 2. If I’ve got most of mine done by then, I may come out and help.


Good luck! If you’re free to help you will no doubt have gained great wisdom on virtually the same list as mine. Then again, if you don’t get to it we could scratch our heads and get bloody knuckles at the same time.



LOL… I striped the interior and installed the roll bar this past weekend and after finding a bur with my right pointer finger, I’ve decided to add getting a tetanus shot to my list of things to do.


Damn Sasha, that is the only weekend I have anything planned in June.




This weekend is it: my gopher-like hoarding of car parts in the basement will finally lead to something fantastic–a complete SpecE30 car! For any who would like to help or watch, my address is in my member profile (Ex36). I’m in Durham near the School of Science and Math, where 9th Street runs into Club Blvd. Be forewarned that I will provide cold beer, but I’ll be a literal shade tree mechanic as I have no garage. I do have a decent collection of tools, though, including a spring compressor that I rented from Advnace Auto. I’ll try to get a ball joint separator, too. So anyone with a little work to do themselves is welcome to mooch off of me. If it rains, I plan on borrowing my neigbors’ carport, but it’s only one car big. I’ll buy some good beer for early in the day, and some swill for later on when it will matter less.


P.S. To recap the work I’m planning on:

-H+R race spring install
-IE adjustable camber plate install
-ST sways, front and rear
-Fuel filter
-SS brake lines + brake bleed
-Timing belt + tensioner
-Delete A/C compressor and condensor
-Install oil pressure gauge


scottmc wrote:

How about some gloves too? B)



Would love to help but will be at VIR running the Gold Cup Historic Races…yall have fun.



nasaregistrar wrote:

[quote]scottmc wrote:

How about some gloves too? B)[/quote]

I learned the value of a pair of $10 Mechanix gloves after performing a little impromptu surgery on my palm using an OEM brake rotor backing plate. :slight_smile:


sharkd wrote:

[quote]nasaregistrar wrote:

[quote]scottmc wrote:

How about some gloves too? B)[/quote]

I learned the value of a pair of $10 Mechanix gloves after performing a little impromptu surgery on my palm using an OEM brake rotor backing plate. :)[/quote]

The sad thing is… I have 2 pairs. I just never seem to have them on when I cut myself :blink:


I tend to wear mine all the time now when wrenching on the car. I can take them off if I need that fine feel but have gotten used to working with them on. That said, the Mechanix brand is not very durable once they get greasy. I wear holes in the index finger first always. But I love the feel they provide
I have heard that the Craftsman brand are nearly the same thing and can be had on sale for 9.99 thru the craftsman club