Fire suppression system help


Need some advice from the forum. Am in the process of selecting a fire suppression system. We have a 4 liter SPA system in Mike’s car - 2 liters for the engine bay/2 liters for the passenger compartment. A local racer is suggesing a smaller system for my car. What do others have?

Another question relates to the suppression vehicle. Many systems use Halon. But I found the following on the SFI website. Comments?


Currently Halon 1211 and Halon 1301 are acceptable agents per SFI Spec 17.1. However, as of January 1, 2008, Halon agents will not be allowed in the field. That means that all certified Halon systems currently in use will expire on December 31, 2007, regardless of the system’s manufacture or recertification date. This is in response to regulations set forth by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Concerns about Halons include their ozone-depleting properties as well as the human health effects (toxicity) when discharged in small areas.

Thanks for advice.


As if I didn’t need another excuse… now I really don’t want to be in a situation where I have to use my fire system. :frowning:

Thanks for the post.


AFFF is becoming quite popular (Aqueous Film Forming Foam). It’s some sort of animal protein based liquid that use commonly used around fuel (like airport fire engines). It creates a foam barrier that creates an oxygen-deprivation to keep the fire from flaring back up. Here’s a link from the '44Cup race on Sat at Nationals. Cris spun on some oil at the entrance to Thunder Valley, a car came over the crest and hit him crushing his oil filter. When he tried to start the car to move it (after being struck a 3rd time), it went up in flames.

The big benefit is that it’s non-caustic to engine parts. Just hose it off and get to the repairs.

check out - they carry the system. Going to be plumbing mine in when my car gets back from the cage builder.


I bought the SPA AFFF fire system that BimmerWorld sells for $299. It includes 6 nozzles and 2 pull handles. It is the best deal I could find on a 4 liter bottle with the exta pull handle and nozzles. Most for this price come with one pull handle and 2 nozzles. It was very easy to install too.


The above system is the one in Mike’s car. I put it there. Easy to put in too!



I like it Ric. Just ordered one for my car. Thanks to all for the posts.


Where did you guys mount the bottle - passenger side floor?

How did you route and secure the hoses? Along trans tunnel or on your cage? What did you secure them with?

I am planning on one nozzle under the steering column somewhere pointed at me, and the other in the engine bay pointed at the fuel rail. Is there a safer approach?




Ours in mounted in the passenger side floor, all the way back as far as it can go so you can get a passenger seat in for ride alongs. It is bolted through the floor. We have three nozzles in Mike’s car - one in engine bay aimed at the fuel rail, 2 inside - one up high on top loop aimed at driver, and the other low aimed at drivers feet. My kit has six nozzles so I think I am going to rig up at least 4 - 2 engine, 2 interior.



i think I have the old nozzles and a "t" fitting from mikes kit if you would like them.

If Ed doesn’t want them first to call them gets them.



edavidson wrote:


Ours in mounted in the passenger side floor, all the way back as far as it can go so you can get a passenger seat in for ride alongs. It is bolted through the floor. We have three nozzles in Mike’s car - one in engine bay aimed at the fuel rail, 2 inside - one up high on top loop aimed at driver, and the other low aimed at drivers feet. My kit has six nozzles so I think I am going to rig up at least 4 - 2 engine, 2 interior.

Thanks Ed. It does have a 3rd nozzle on the bottle but no piping for that one came with it. I think I’ll run a 3rd line to get two on me the way you described. I found an earlier post on the board to use adel clamps and pop rivets. I’ve got me a project for this weekend!



this may be a stupid comment, but make sure that up high nozzle isn’t spraying where the driver’s helmet might be as they’re trying to get out. There shouldn’t be much flammable up there anyway.

edavidson wrote:


Ours in mounted in the passenger side floor, all the way back as far as it can go so you can get a passenger seat in for ride alongs. It is bolted through the floor. We have three nozzles in Mike’s car - one in engine bay aimed at the fuel rail, 2 inside - one up high on top loop aimed at driver, and the other low aimed at drivers feet. My kit has six nozzles so I think I am going to rig up at least 4 - 2 engine, 2 interior.


Bruce - it is located about halfway across the front tube and pointed down - on plane withe steering wheel/shifter. do you have any other suggestions for location? The placement seemed logical to me to cover the driver side of the cockpit for exit.


with that placement it doesn’t sound like you will compromise their eyesight so I don’t have any other suggestions. I have a nozzle pointed at the fuel rail and one at the driver footwell/lap area. The only point is to give you more time to get out.

edavidson wrote:

[quote]Bruce - it is located about halfway across the front tube and pointed down - on plane withe steering wheel/shifter. do you have any other suggestions for location? The placement seemed logical to me to cover the driver side of the cockpit for exit.


I mounted my bottle longitudinally (per recommendation in the instructions) in the trunk on the right side. My pull cables and tubing run along the battery cable, utilizing the same clips. My interior nozzles T off under the dash just before the main line enters the engine bay through the old AC pipeline grommet. I will have one pull cable at the passenger side b-pillar. It will extend into the passenger window opening for easy exterior access. The other pull cable will be mounted in the OBC opening in the dash. Should work out nicely and the install looks really clean.

Carl Fuhrmann
Indianapolis, IN


that all sounds good. Make sure you can reach the pull in the OBC opening with all of your belts still tightened. I put one pull at the psgr side B pillar like you and one on the driver side A-pillar cage bar so either can be reached from outside and I can reach the A-pillar one.