

Hey guys,

Just want to verify something on the exhaust rule. Where can I cut this thing off?

I would assume either C or D is fine, but not before that, correct? I was hoping to get the flex joint out as that would seem the easiest place to form a leak, but I don’t think that would be legal. It would seem the H-pipe is a required part of the exhaust system if I’m reading correctly.

Thanks in advance.


Both of our cars are at D. Cutting at C would require another bend for the new exhaust. From D you can run a straight pipe for about 3 feet before the next bend. The x pipe is a definite keeper.



Thanks for your reply, Ed. I wasn’t too worried about the crossover pipe (if I could get rid of it) because I’ll probably run a single (larger) pipe back to a rear muffler. Not saying I’m hooked on chopping it off earlier, as it will make more work, just wondering what my options are really.

Anyone else on the legality of it?


cat and rearward is my $0.02


I guess it’ll be D then.


What do "C" and "D" refer to, for the clueless (me)? :S


go to this link for the picture with the annotations.




edavidson wrote:

[quote]go to this link for the picture with the annotations.



The .jpg extension was missing above. Use this one:



Blast! the picture wasn’t showing up this whole time?

I just started using Google’s Picasa to host pictures and apparently their linking system is a bit unusual. I had this problem on another forum, but didn’t think anything of it here. It shows up normally on my end, but I guess that’s because it’s from my account.

My apologies. Must experiment more.


Hi All,

I was planning to post a question regarding exhaust systems, so I hope no one minds if I jump into this thread. I’m racing in CA and was intending to keep the cat in place to keep the car road legal (I have a trailer and all, but getting it to and from the shop that supports me will be a lot easier if I can just drive it over) but would like to minimize the hp loss.

Shopping around on Bimmerworld, Flying Brick, etc. I see a number of exhaust solutions, inlcuding Supersprint. Supersprint offers a header-back solution including cat for the E30 that’s (supposedly) optimally tuned as a combined system. My question in reading the regs is whether a header replacement other than OEM is allowable. It doesn’t look to me like it is, but I wanted to check with everyone. Alternatively, are there any other setups anyone would like to suggest??

I’m going to be having the engine out getting it replaced/repaired (I bought my car with a blown engine. My shop is going to be looking at it after the first of the year whether the engine can be repaired or has bought it). I figured if the engine’s out that would be the best time to swap out the header if it’s an option.

Any input or opinion would be appreciated! Thanks!


Sorry Eric - my cut and paste fell a .jpg short


Dwjohn, my experience with a cat on a race car was not good. Cat meltdown causes the car to overheat and then you’ll spent much diagnostic time and money looking for the problem. The cat is the last place that you’ll think to look.This two month problem was expensive not fun to fix.
My advise is to build two systems, one to drive to the DMV for a smog test, one to use 364 days of the year on your race car.The race exhaust is cheap to build. Saw off the downpipe after the H connector and have the local muffler guy bend two pipes all the way back to wo glasspack mufflers that exit at the same location as the stock set-up. In Atlanta we are fortunate to have a shop that makes this up for about $150.
All of the big names you listed cost big dollars. Just remember that exhaust systems don’t make power and don’t get caught up in advertising hype.Okay, clarify…The exhaust is good for maybe 2-3 HP.Or was that dyno error that I saw when I spent a day testing straight pipes,glasspacks,cats and glasspacks, etc., at the dyno shop.
Regards, Robert Patton


Hey Robert,

Thanks a lot for the advice! I had been thinking about going the two exhaust systems as a possible solution, I appreciate your confirmation. I’m managing to spend plenty of money (but having a good time!) getting the components for my car, but don’t want to spend any more than I need to in order to make the car competitive.

I won’t go into what it will take to make me competitive!:blink: My goal in life is to become a mid-packer!

Thanks again!

Doug J.


No headers "Any part of the exhaust system beginning with and including, the catalytic converter may be modified, unless a replacement system is specified in these regulations" I think the stock exhaust is pretty efficient from what I read and hear. I would not wast e money on any aftermarket exhaust that will only provide a marginal at best improvement in performance. I’ve have seen replacement OEM mufflers from $200.


Here in NC my car no longer has to pass the sniff test, so I’m not sure if what I am about to propose will work for you. I dropped the cat myslef (took about 20 seconds with a Sawzall), cut a hatch in the top of it, gutted it, and had the "hatch" I cut welded back in place. From below, it looks stock, and like it has a cat. In actuallity, I enjoy the hp gain from no cat.



The link does not work can you or Mike send me the jpg, also mike I need your email




Copy and paste the link into the browser and it will work. . .

or. .