Electrical Problem - Diagram?


Does anyone have a wiring diagram for the complete car and not just the subsystem breakdown in the Bentley?
I’ve got a drain in my system that is totally perplexing me and I’m at an impasse with diagnosing it. If you want to read what all I’ve tried so far you can go here: http://corner-carvers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33165
I searched the web and couldn’t find one. :frowning:


I quickly read your post on the other board. IMO, needs a lot of troubleshooting but some things to consider:

  • you might have "unintentional" ground someplace from the components/wires you removed
  • once you charge the battery you can run a car for a while before it drains right? It might be issue with alt, everything from belt being loose to brushes being used up

If you have ammeter, disconnect negative cable at battery an place ammeter between terminal an lead (i.e. put ammeter in series with neg lead). Go to fuse box and start pulling and reinstalling fuses one by one, while observing ammeter reading after you pull each fuse. That should narrow the faulty circuit. Once you find the fuse/circuit in question go to bentley and see what circuits are supported by that fuse…

HTH and good luck



This link has diagrams, I believe a little more complete than Bentley -http://shark.armchair.mb.ca/~dave/BMW/e30/



Igor, way ahead of you. I tried all that stuff on day 1. I’m now on day 5. :angry:
Ed, thanks for the link. I’ll just print off the whole thing.