Nitin and I are trying to button up the underside of his car. Is this the right orientation for the driveshaft/center support bearing on a 325i?
We don’t want to put the heatshields/exhaust on until we have the driveshaft perfect.
Nitin and I are trying to button up the underside of his car. Is this the right orientation for the driveshaft/center support bearing on a 325i?
We don’t want to put the heatshields/exhaust on until we have the driveshaft perfect.
Looks right - although I am not sure if I see circlip there or not. Installed circlip should face back of the car. Don’t forget to preload the CSB and put some moly grease on the splines.
Circlip is in place, and we got the CSB preloaded, I’m pretty sure we have it sorted. Atleast I hope so!
Exhaust, rear swaybar, brakes and everything else will hopefully be finished tomorrow so he can test out the Spec suspension next week at Rd. Atlanta!
I noticed the Ireland front bar no longer has a ‘void’ at the ends where water can collect and spew corrosion back out, looks nice.
Thanks for the tips!