NASA CCR 23.1.4 Meeting Attendance.
All drivers are required to attend all mandatory meetings. If a driver is unable to attend, and cannot send a
representative, he/she must notify the Race Director before the meeting. Some latitude will be given in
hardship cases. Failure to attend, or make proper notification, will result in a warning. A second offense during
the same season will result in loss of qualifying times and/or race position.
We have some folks that take this kinda casual. Our class size is getting pretty darn big, and that’s goddamned fabulous. But it also means that things are becoming a little more complex so there’s more info that has to be passed on or discussed as a group. If you can’t make a meeting, maybe because you’re racing in two classes, either tell me in advance or send a representative. Since we usually all park together, grabbing another driver and saying “tell them you’re my representative” isn’t much of a burden. Hell, you can even grab me and tell me that I’m your representative. Just think of the delicious irony if your screw up later was a result of me, your representative, failing to adequately brief you.
Just for clarity…I’m not pointing the the CCR paragraph and whining. I’m trying to help ensure you don’t end up losing your qual position. 23.1.4 is getting enforced.