DriveGear heading south!!


Looks like we will be heading down with two cars for the road atlanta event. Going to run the enduro on Friday and maybe the sprints over the weekend. Really looking forward to hanging with you guys and having some great racing. We are bringing rebuilt E30 transmissions if anyone needs one and I know a couple of you guys might have cores for me. Cant wait!!


awesome! looking forward to seeing you guys at a venue a bit less warm than vir in july.


Alright. Finally I will get a chance to give you my core and get it out of my storage shed.


If you are at all interested in getting a rebuilt tranmission now is the time. The price now is 700 with your core. As of the new year the price will be 800 with your core. I should have 3 available!!


Guys -

I picked up one of these from Andrew at NJMP for Robinson this summer. If the inside is half as clean and buttoned-up as the outside, this is a great deal.

I am on the list for one!


I don’t have the money for the rebuilt right now, but I can still give you my core right? I contacted you about it earlier this year.


King Tut wrote:

yes no problem!