Disabling steering wheel lock?


Can anyone clue me in on the simplest / best way to disable the steering wheel lock as dictated by the CCR’s?
Getting close to complete on the car and am hoping to be ready for Feb 10-11 at CMP.


I used a punch to tap the spring pin out. Once it’s out the lock will pop out.

If you need, I can post a pic later tonight.


I’ll pull the wheel off and have a look, sounds pretty easy.


It is easy. Just look under the wheel… center top.

I also used a small nail that I bent in order to get into the tight space. and slowly tapped it out.

Good Luck


Basically as Scott said…
-remove steering wheel
-use long nose pliers to slide the pin out (towards pass side)

  • use punch and hammer to drive little lock stub out (upwards)



Perhaps I was an idiot about this, but this little pin gave me fits. I ended up taking a grinder to it so I shortened it way down, and once I did this I could push it through the rectangular hole in which its inserted and remove it forever.



I had an awfull time of it. I tried following the directions but ended up having to use a hack saw.:huh: Took less than a minute after I broke out the saw.

And to believe they pay me money to fix planes!:woohoo:


That looks like what the previous owner of mine did, simple and effective!



Saw / Dremel tool: always ready!:S


I used needlenose but they kept sliding. I finally used an old pair of wire cutters to hold the pin cuz they kind of dig in and hold. Then just a matter of tapping to the side to break it free and use the needlenose as Igor said. Easy as pie…


I’m telling you guys… a bent nail has never made a better tool.