Corner weight Numbers


Curious what others have achieved with corner weight.

Got weighed after practice at Thunder Hill last saturday 8/22/09. Our car is still developing, we bought it from another racer who is going back to HC.

with 1/2 tank of gas
No passenger seat
No Ballast
Spare wheel and tire

LF 746 RF 683

LR 652 RR 636

Total 2717

Spring pads are still in rear top and bottom, about 3/8 inch thickness.

Any one able to get close to square? Seems like I have a long way to go.


Kevin Nichols
#55 Nor Cal
road runner racing


Is that with or without driver? If with driver, got a weight on him? :slight_smile:


the Shoe wrote:

[quote]Curious what others have achieved with corner weight.

Kevin Nichols
#55 Nor Cal
road runner racing[/quote]

Is this the same Kevin Nichols running Nationals? If so, I think you need to get some more weight out of the right rear and onto the left front. :wink: :laugh:

See you in Utah!

Steve D.


Are the scales level at THill? I always thought they were on pavement with a drainage grade with no compensation, so I’ve always ignored corner weight values. Total weight should still be accurate. rsafreno would know for sure.

There is a level pad of concrete at THill, but it’s not under the shade structure so tech doesn’t use it :slight_smile:


Thunderhill in tech is not level. I do not know exactly how it affects the corner weights. You can use the corner weights as a reference. Do not use them for final accurate corner weights.
As mentioned there is a level concrete pad but we do not use it. It is not located where tech gets setup. We are only checking total weight.


Good to know about the weigh station not being level. Perhaps the numbers are not as bad as it looks. Come to think of it we can roll up on to the scales and roll right off with little to no push. the front left is the low point of the grade.

I was in the car when weighed.

After Qualifying car weighed in at 2785, did not get corner weights, gas tank three gallons from full, 13 lbs of ballast and a full coolsuit cooler which weighed ~40lbs.

Still curious what others have been able to achieve so I know how hard to fight with this, or if it is just a waste of time.
