Cobetto moving on to a new race class


It is hard to leave this class as it has been very good to me. The leadership is wonderful and the comraderie amoungst it’s warriors exemplary. Great competition and even better friendships have been a result of my choice to enter this class.

I have had the chance to race against some wonderful drivers. Burned into my memory are some great battles I’ve had with Jonny Allen, Mike Skeen, Mike Davidson, Skip Bennett, Carter Hunt, Jens Scott, Robert Grace, Robert Allen and so many more. We have raced close and had a great time.

I have learned more by racing in this class than I could have ever hoped. Racing with all of you guys has taught me humility and patience. Winning races in this class means something and I’m truly proud of each success.

A huge thanks has to go to Carter Hunt for creating this class, growing it and keeping it a cost effective and competitive series. It is a lot of work and many times a thankless job.

I wouldn’t be writing this had I not happened into a very good opportunity to race in American Iron. In 2011 I will be fielding the Bully Dog Saleen Speedlab 2011 5.0 Mustang being prepared by Performance Autosport in Richmond. I’m excited and I can’t wait to take on those V8 guys. I know that what I have learned racing E30s has to be an advantage.

I also have to say a huge THANKS to all those that helped me along the way. There is no question that without the support of Jeff Smith and the crew at Delta V Motorsports in Richmond, there would have been many race weekends where I could not have shown up. They were amazingly helpful and I always feel at home in that shop.

Bimmerparts and Zygmunt motors in Doylestown are the definition of “good people”. I just can’t say enough about how much support they provided me and the stellar level of friendship that has evolved. Chris and Ziggy are just plain outstanding people to work with and they truly understand and want to help the racer. They are a joy to deal with.

When I needed a motor Chuck Stickley was there. His engines have proven to be reliable and race winners. I pushed the starter button and revved to the redline with confidence.

I’ll see you all at the track and be cheering you on from the sidelines.

All my best!


Congrats to you King. Now all the Spec E30 guys can truly root for you to win! Sounds like an awesome opportunity!

Cheers to you and thanks for your part in making Spec E30 what it is today!


I have been trying to digest this since you dropped the bomb on me last month…Sounds like a great opportunity you have lined up and I am sure it will be a blast! Watching you,, Jonny and the gang racing so close in the early days was definitely a big part of why I ended up in Spec E30. Seems like it was yesterday that I was in comp school sitting on the benches at Summit Point listening to you teach the class about a proper over-under move with a pair of water bottles. I have learned a TON from our countless battles this season, one of my favorites came when Danville was under a flood warning, local roads were closed due to high water, and you and I were having a gnarly battle in rain at VIR! From calling you as an HPDE student with questions, to trying to figure out how to deal with a Championship heartbreaker in the Utah, and everything in between you have been Johnny on the spot with the racing wisdom and I truly appreciate that.

Good luck in AI…and if you ever need a co-driver, I know a guy :kiss:


Burned into my memory is Chris driving in a rain session at the 2008 nationals at MidO. Well, the rest of us were driving in the rain. Chris was lapping us like he was in the dry. Good car, great car control, and an absolute burning need to be at the point. Makes for a hell of a driver.

I am glad to have shared the track with you a few times! I got to see the show a little closer at the 2009 nationals - an awesome battle between you and Ferrario.

Good luck against those knuckle draggers in AI. :laugh:


Now now. I think knuckle draggers is a bit harsh. I think they only scrape their knuckles…a little. :wink:


I once (omg 1998) raced an ITGT Mustang… The attention I received for even my lame-ass was surprising. It’s kind of the unspoken truth about racing, driving a Made in the USA car has it’s advantages. Good luck, and buying Chris Griswold beers I hear makes it easier to get “pro-tips” ;). Just bring up MCSCC


i have a photo of you and the utes $$$$. and it was fun racing with you at the 2010 nationals. good luck with your next adventure. Gary Rieger


While I am excited for you and this opportunity that is in front of you, I am somewhat saddened by the fact that for now, I will not have the chance to race side by side with you at VIR, Summit Point and Natl’s, something I was really looking forward to.

Best of luck in 2011. As a fan, I will continue to cheer you on, just now from the sidelines and not from my rear view mirror. :stuck_out_tongue:


Congrats to Chris on his new opportunity. He will be missed amonst the E30 ranks. Will be interesting to watch how he does in AI and helps to grow the series.


My view of Cobetto was always from looking at the rear bumper of the #1 car. Talent has different levels, and your talent will teach 'em lots in the new class you’re racing in. We’ll be pulling for you and living vicariously through a Mustang windshield.

Thanks for all you did to promote the Spec E30 series.

Any updates on the sale of your car?

Updates on the new Mustang and your racing debut?

Good luck with the new team.



I was sad to hear you were leaving but thrilled to hear about your new endeavor. I know Kevin at Performance Autosport so I’ve seen some pictures and tried to keep up with the build up of the car. That’s one bad ass piece of machinery and I’m sure with you as a pilot that thing is gonna be unstoppable. You were a teacher and friend on and off the track. You were always there to give advice and I’ll never forget racing with you in the rain at VIR. I can’t remember a more intense race. It would take days to list all of things I learned from racing in this series and you sir have a PH.D in racecraft. I wish you luck with the new car. I’ll be back for a couple races this season so I’ll catch up with you then.



Check your gas cap ;), we’ll miss ya.