Car Number ?s



It’s about time to order vinyl for the car. Where can one find a listing of already taken numbers?

I’ll be running with Mid Atlantic and South East.

I did a search and the postings are a bit dated.




There isn’t really a list. A lot of people put any ol’ number they want on their car and hope for the best, but there is a mechanism to make a number “yours”. Contact the Julie for SE and ask her if a number has been taken. Then check with Chris Cobetto for MA and see if the # is ok there. Or vice versa if you do more MA races. Then you pay $30 or so and the number is officially yours for the year and no one will ask you to change it at an event in your region.

If you want to reserve the # each year, request it and pay your $$ each Jan.


Choose any number you want. As long as that number isn’t 47. :wink:



I would just look at the registration list for the most recent races.


Post which numbers you have in mind and we can all let you know what is available. Checking the latest registration lists wont give you the full picture as not everyone comes to every event.