Camber Plates -- The end-all, be-all thread.


Nobody uses the GC plates? I got them in my MZ3, and I love them. I wish I could use them in my 325i.:frowning:


When I called GC about their e30 camber plates I was told they had no plans to make them because they didn’t have a large enough market for the stock spring diameter version. Even though their website at the time had them listed as a product. This was back in June, so things could have changed.



Just as an FYI to those who mentioned that Vorshlag doesn’t make a SpecE30 legal camber plate, this is going to change very soon. I (Daniel - Flying Brick owner) have been pushing them to make the necessary components to make they’re current design work for spec spring designs. The Vorshlag camber plates are very well made and are extremely durable, have much heavier duty bearings, and provide excellent clearance for adjustment. They sent me pics recently of progress and I suspect they will be available pretty soon. Once they are, I’ll let everyone know just so that a new option is available for those building or replacing parts.