Big Bumper Tow Strap Install?


I’m getting ready to put my big aluminum bumper back on the front of the car. What have others done for tow strap mounting. There’s a large metal loop that I assume was the shipping tie down, but then the strap will have to pass between the bumper and the air dam. I’m worried a tow would rip the air dam off. I was also considering wrapping the tow strap around the big metal backing plate on the bumper. This would confine the strap to the plate between the two nuts that hold the bumper to the strut. This seems to work nicely, but then you’ll load up the bumper strut when you tow. Can it take this? Also, does it matter what side you put the strap on (if I do the latter method, I could mount it right or left).



I looped the strap around the driver’s side bumper shock and have it coming out on top of the bumper (under the plastic trim). During a tow, this would put force on the shock and the top of the bumper. I could see how it might be possible to bend the top of the bumper down a bit during a tow, but I don’t know how to be sure. In reality, a flat tow doesn’t put a whole lot of force on your tow hook/strap.


What’s wrong with the oem towing hook? I know, people can get "hurt", but you can paint it red or orange and then people should be able to see it.
I like the strap, but I got the folding tow loop, which is more expensive, but I’ve had for some time on my other car.
Cut a slot in the front bumper plastic (VERY IMPORTANT) right at the height of the bottom edge of the bumper support. Undo the two bolts holding the bumper on (you may have additional fasteners for plastic wheelwell covers and other small parts) and remove bumper. Slide the non-foam end of the strap in and as you reattach the bumper, loop it around the bumper shock. The bumper shock/support will have the pulling stress when the strap is used and the bumper support will keep the plastic cover from ripping - assuming your notch is right at the correct level mentioned above.
From BW site.


mskeen wrote:

Been there done that. :blush:

I have/had a metal loop bolted to the bumper with two bolts complements of the previous owner/hack mechanic. It was a knee killer before for sure.

However, when I was towed, I was nervous as to whether it would hold up or not but as Mike said it really isn’t that much force on the tow point in a flat tow.



What is wrong with the OEM tow eye is that it protrudes like a missle from the bumper and in the event of a collision it will penetrate like a spear and could make the differnce in a personal injury. Go with the tow strap as has been outlined in numerous messages. It took me less than 15 minutes to install on my 91 325i.


Have you ever hit your leg on the factory tow hook? I had the good luck to experience that. I will without a second thought install a tow strap so NOBODY has to experience running into a tow hook and risking injury.