Best way to flush coolant system?


Hi. I need to flush the antifreeze out of my car’s coolant system and replace it with distilled water and Water Wetter.

What’s the best (and easiest) way to flush out all of the antifreeze?

Thanks for any help.


Great timing! I need to do mine this weekend also.


Loosen the draincock on the bottom of the radiator… Then open coolant reservoir cap. Then put on rain gear (boots, umbrella, coat, pants, goggles, etc). Loosen 19mm bolt on block. Pressure wash garage when complete.


He’s not kidding either. There will be coolant everywhere!


If you want to attempt to control the coolant tsunami, get a big catch pan (2 to 3 ft in diameter) and something to deflect the coolant flow from the block down to the pan (it will be exiting the block horizontally.)


Opening the drain on the block is the only time I don’t like having a lift. I suppose laying on my back would be worse, but I’m constantly frustrated by my inability to contain the torrent. There’s too much crap in the way, it seems, to do anything other than just let it make a mess. I hate draining the coolant! :evil:



one of those big oversize gift wrap rubbermaid containers is the perfect thing to use for this. 3+ feet long, nice and wide.

Dunno where you’ll find one this time of year - they usually have them in the sotres at/after the holidays.

My wife broke the lid on one a couple of years ago, and she got a new one - she was going to throw the old one out. Heck no!


Adding onto what Ed said, what I have found to work best to catch the deluge, is one of those funnels that have a hose extension at the bottom of them. It’s a little awkward, but you can hold the funnel in place and have the coolant go down the hose into your catch pan of choice. Sometimes the coolant comes out faster than the funnel can handle and it spills over the top though, still a whole lot cleaner than just letting it shoot out.


Screw it, just do it in your neighbors driveway when they are not home. :stuck_out_tongue:


When there is a blockage in the block the stream is very controllable:( Luckily the blockage was close to the plug so I was able to get it out with a pick.


No need for water wetter in the summer IMO

If you have dogs… please clean up the mess and don’t wear your shoes in the house. Anti-freeze is not only toxic to dogs but the sent is very appealing to them and they lick your shoes and footprints.


I have stood in the aforementioned deluge of anti-freeze and can personally affirm that it is kind of tasty. :ohmy: Eating antifreeze is probably one of the few things dogs do that I actually understand.
