OK, so I know the answer (currently) is NO, but the logic for WHY stock E30 14x6.5" basketweaves are NOT legal makes no sense IMHO.
The rules say that wheels must be 14x6 or 15x7" - the reasons I have seen as to why stock 14x6.5" Basketweave wheels are not allowed range from them being too expensive, trying to keep the rules simple, not that many E30’s came stock with them, they’re too hard to clean, they bend easily, etc. Fact is, somewhere around 1/2 of the E30’s that I’ve seen on the street are using basketweaves, they are NOT that expensive- I sold a NICE set not too long ago for $250, I sell used ones for ~$50 each as long as they are round. Sure, Team Dynamics wheels are nice and they are fairly cheap as far as aftermarket wheels go- but they’re still ~$600 a set.
I just think it’s strange that these wheels are not legal, discuss amongst yourselves (if you like…)
Anyone want to help me convince the rules maker(s) that they should be made legal?