Beautiful day. New course is very nice. From the photos I thought that turn 12 would be faster. You still have to get your speed down pretty far and use a very late apex. Once you get out of 12 you’re flat out with a shift point in the middle of the gentle turn 13.
The additional width in the last turn before the straight away changes it’s character a fair amount.
Turn 11 the turn after the kink is slippery if you end up at midtrack. As you saw from the photos there is additional asphault on the inside of the turn. The additional asphault has a border where it meets old asphault at about mid track around the turn. The border of new asphault on top of old is creating some asphault crumbles so if you end up wide on the turn the mid-track crumbles will take over. That should go away with time tho.
Wireless at the track works well. The 24 day garages are great.
Not a single other E30 here.
Thought this weekend was open track, but it’s a 4 session DE event. Top group has open passing. One group is motorcycles, which seems like a cheaper way to do this sort of thing. Well, until you’re killed I suppose.
On a personal note…Not having been here in 8 months, I’d managed to forget how much I suck away from Roebling.
-Scott, live from CMP