Another source of electrical problems


Just FYI folks…
Had a very odd symptom at CMP & RRR: intermittently when I pressed the accelerator the car would cut out and the ABS light would come on - and as long as I had the pedal down it would do this about once every second. Even had Bob Shields in the car at one point and he said he had never seen that before.

Long story short - apparently my master/kill switch was failing. But not catastrophically (that would have been easier to diagnose). Instead, as far as I can tell it was dropping the voltage to the ECU just enough to introduce those nasty software gremlins.

Had three races on the new master switch with no problems at all.

So… I’ve added a new item to my checklist: replace the master every 2 years or so (the old one lasted 3+ years).


My first one barely lasted a year. I hate them. They are pieces of crap. (saying this makes me feel better)


Yep. I’m trying to remember to cut everything else off before I turn the master off (minimize arcing across the poles). That probably won’t help but it’ll make me feel better. :laugh:


Two in two years, just leave it on, haven’t had a problem since!


After finding a source of good American made switches, haven’t had a problem in any of the cars.


Care to share the brand and where to get them?