I looked into putting a catch tank - the question now is: From where in the coolant system is the overflow hose supposed to originate? There is not obvious, to me anyway, place to connect any hose as it is a totally closed system. I am working with a 1987 IS. Can anyone lead the blind here? A photo would be great.
Another coolant catch tank question
Its the hose that is just sticking up in the air in this picture. It will later go to my catch can.
So, what JP’s picture shows are the two hoses that are attached to the coolant reservoir. The hose off the front is connected directly to the radiator, IIRC. The hose that comes off the side, just a little higher up, came from the factory tucked into the passenger side front wheel well (but JP’s is sticking up in the air). If you pull on this hose, it will come right out of the fender and you will see that the system is, in fact, not closed. This is the hose that could potentially spill overflow coolant.
Duhhh, now I really feel stupid! I just went out to the car and looked, the only reason it did not reach out and bite me the other day is because there is no hose attached to the nipple and I guess I just did not look closely enough - I think I need a brain transfusion:blink:
Thanks for the help guys.
Early 325i & is cars have the reservoir on the passenger side. On later cars (and ETA’s I think) it moves to the driver’s side.
jlevie wrote:
[quote]Early 325i & is cars have the reservoir on the passenger side. On later cars (and ETA’s I think) it moves to the driver’s side.[/quote] Correct.
nasaregistrar wrote:
[quote]jlevie wrote:
etas have it on pass side as well (I have 86 eta). It was on pass side on earlier cars, and on dr side on later (also later cars have different radiator from earlier models, or more precisely, different location of radiator ports…)
So, what do you use as a catch can?
Plastic, metal? Soda can, water bottle? How big or how much volume should it contained? I just can’t get any good ideas.
Help please.
Patton, feel free to punch me in the arm if this is a closely guarded speed secret, but I saw on one of his cars this weekend he ran the hose straight into the wiper fluid resevoir. Genius, in my opinion - simple, elegant, functional. Lord knows I don’t need any more zipties holding anything else on!
[this is only convenient to the early cars]
Early production has the washer reservoir and expansion tank mounted on the same side (passenger) next to each other. So moving the overflow hose to the washer reservoir is a "piece o cake". Later cars have the expansion tank on the drivers side (read long hose).
And if you still run any antifreeze in early part of the season, you can de-ice your windshield in the mornings!
What? What do you mean that wont work?
Another option, we have on both of our cars, is the old AC dryer location. Take an l-bracket, bolt it to the body using one of the old dryer mounting holes, then use a hose clamp and use a metal catch can. We have an empty fire extinguisher on one car, a metal octane booster bottle on the other (and no we don’t use booster in the car:ohmy: )
I like the windshield washer idea, long hose better than ziptying another container.
I like the ac dryer too, but I’d have to find a proper container. I was told to use a lexan water bottle since they are "undestructible":huh: