another atlanta car?


Thought I’d introduce myself I’ve lurked here for quite awhile and gleaned much valuable information.

Building a spec e30 car currently. Right now the car will probably be ready before I am.

I have an e46 m3 currently as a track car / daily driver and have done 12 or so DE’s so far (insert e30 lack of power jokes here) at Road Atlanta and Roebling. I love the m3 but lots of $$$, and wanted a car with a ‘future’ so to speak.

Just curious what the average experience level of everyone was before their first race. Understand everyone learns / feels comfortable at their own pace, just trying to get a general impression.



Welcome to the addiction. Your car looks too nice to be gutted out for a spec e30 race car.

You sound like you are very close to where I was when I went to comp school and got my rookie license. I had an e36 M3 that I used in 9 HPDE’s for all of last year then I bought my e30 and built it up over the winter then did 3 more DE’s. Admittingly I have a lot more driving skills to learn but I don’t feel that I will endager myself or fellow racers while racing. I’ll be satisfied to finish in the back of the pack and build up my confidence and skills over time.


Race car rule NUMBER 1: Does the air conditioner operate? If the answer is yes, then the car IS NOT a race car.There are so many race car candidates with straight bodies/bad engines for less than $1000 that a car with good air should not be sacrificed. If you’re in Atlanta we’re more than willing to help. Call the wacky folks at Geno’s Garage, 770-886-2500. No, our garage does not speciaize in retail repair of cars, jist a nice place to hang-out. Regards, Robert Patton


I know, I know - I’ve heard the ‘its too nice’ a lot, but its also too late!

It is gutted completely, and has a nice 8 ball shift knob. I have most of the suspension goodies in my garage, just waiting for camber plates and sway bars from Ireland. Already did the brakes, ssk, and tranny mounts.

Cage will be the final step, I have a Kirk roll bar in it now.


Wow, thats a nice looking car. The southeast regions has seen some serious growth over the last couple of months with more cars on the way. i can’t wait for the '07 season

as for me, I did 1.5 years worth of driving schools and instructing before I made the jump to racing. it just wasn’t exciting to me anymore so racing was the next logical step. I’ve only done two spec e30 races as the last 2.5 years were spent racing with BMWCCA. if you have 12 or so DEs I think you are ready to make the plunge into racing. I’m of the opinion that if you want race a lot of DEs is really not the way to go. DEs don’t teach you how to race, only racing teaching you how to race.


Nice car. Everyone’s progression to racing is different. Will you be at Road Atlanta with the CCA in October ? Perhaps some of the new spec e30 racers can act as your DE instructor. Regards, Robert Patton


Yep, just finished PCA’s RA solo event this past weekend. Rest of the year looks like BMWCCA 10/7, PCA 10/29, and Roebling 11/12.

btw - AC is still in, but probably coming out soon. I’ve recently discovered that with the interior stripped, if you need the AC it isn’t strong enough to work anyway.


wow…beautiful paint on that car. mine is black too and even in it’s sad state of affairs may make an appearance at Summit this weekend…


Yo Damion, Jim’s got a black car. Wonder if he’ll go for the Majic 8 ball idea? "try again, " "no way," "definately yes" Have fun, Robert Patton ,The tank is comming soon…


I have the 8 ball shift knob already, and was thinking if the sunroof panel get removed it could easily be painted white with the 8 on it.

Thinking is - if you hit the 8 ball you lose! But someone may already have had this idea.


Jim, remember the Magic 8 ball with the triangular answers? That’s what we’re talking about, a real crowd favorite. The idea belongs to the first racer to do the graphics. Go for it! Regards, Robert Patton


Patton wrote:

That is my idea but I have a back up if someone builds one first.


I know exactly what you’re talking about!

BTW has anyone commented on the irony of a Patton tank theme on a German car? Someone needs to take a bronze car and make a Panzer now.


Sean, get outta town. Finally someone in the stoggy MA region does a fun car. Oops, Brain has the Navy car and Dave the GT40 car. For you or Jim the Magic 8 ball idea is a groovy concept. Perhaps we’ll have to register the ideas on the board as the series themes move forward. In NASCAR the driver is the star. Who the heck knows the driver in spec e30, but those clowns sure do have some fun cars. …Speaking of clowns, I wonder what big Al has in mind? A clown, a reverend, an undertaker? Have fun Robert Patton


Patton wrote:

Yep. 8 ball is the idea but please…anyone take it because I have a year left to build the car and I have a back up plan that I will be keeping quiet for now… My son wants me to put a 50’s style flame job on it.

Post edited by: nasaregistrar, at: 2006/08/22 17:02


IndyJim wrote:

[quote]I know exactly what you’re talking about!

BTW has anyone commented on the irony of a Patton tank theme on a German car? Someone needs to take a bronze car and make a Panzer now.[/quote]Ironically, the German "Panzer" tanks in the movie Patton were re-dressed M48 "Patton" tanks.

I’m Dan, BTW.

Post edited by: sharkd, at: 2006/08/22 19:47


Dan, sorry for the mistake. That’s what I get for not looking at previous post for correct recall. At least I got the car right. In a backward way it reinforces my point, people remember the cars. Regards, Robert , tank guy ,Patton


With you Southeast guys adding so many cars, you might pass the Mid Atlantic Region in car counts…

Good job guys!




If you can’t beat 'em on the track, the best strategy is to build more cars and increase the odds of having a new, talented SE racer beat "em on the track.Thanks for the encouragement, Robert Patton