Alternative to a Coolshirt system


So in terms of driver cooling on hot days? I know the Coolshirt system with its in car mounted cooler and plumbing are popular. Has anyone tried the cooling vest type products like the ones from Mens Cooling Apparel | ThermApparel , or like this one Techniche Self-Contained Cooling Vest | Winding Road Racing. These tend to use their own gel packs that you place in cold water to charge. Thanks.


I used a Techniche Hybrid vest for a couple of seasons. I only use the front cool packs because I do not like the feel of them on my back. They are good for 30 minute races and used the the extra packs for next session. Not as good as a cool shirt, which I now use, however lot less work and really help to keep you cool. The Techniche cool pack stays about 55 F and last most of a race.