ABS and Power Steering Question


A couple of questions:

  1. Do you guys use ABS braking in racing or do you disable it? The rules don’t mention ABS…but the later models were equiped (from what I can tell)??

  2. The rules allow the power steering components to be removed. I’m curious…do most folks removed the PS or race with it?

Scott Neville
NASA NorCal 2006 GTI-Cup Champion
(Thinking seriously about building a SpecE30)


I am not sure about the ABS question. I think that you have to leave it the way it came from the factory. If the chassis has it, it must stay. On my ITS E30 it does not have ABS but does have a proportioning valve. If you disabled ABS and could not add the valve I think you would have problems with balance. In addition I have been none to lock up one wheel and flat spot tires. ABS helps prevent this.

My ITS car does not have power steering and I am removing it from my Spec E30 car as well. You don’t need it on track. You get a lot better feel without it and you get to loose some weight up front. I also found that the smaller the steering wheel the better for me. I have a 12 inch wheel from Grant.

Michael O.


In MA, I think there is one car with power steering, the rest have deleted (easy to do - just remove the reservoir and create a loop with the remaining hose. Regarding ABS, I don’t know of any in MA who have disabled. It is probably a plus to keep it intact.